Expert Tips on How to Use a Vibrator with Your Partner

If you're searching for ways to steam up you and your partner's bedroom adventures, sex toys are a great place to start, but for beginners, the numerous tips for using vibrators can be overwhelmingly intimidating.

Vibrators take on a whole new purpose when they go from single-person pleasure to a duo entanglement, and apart from the obvious places to use them, there's a whole world of sensation and intimacy yet to be explored with this handy device.

In order to cut through the confusion felt by vibrator newbies, BONEYARDTOYS spoke with two experts on approachable, nonobvious areas of the body that'll turn the solo toy into any couple's bedroom must have. Buy Adult Toys Online

"There is a spot that rarely gets talked about but is well-practiced. The frenulum, located just under the head of the penis, is the most sensitive part of a man's sex," Billy Beyer, founder of luxury toy brand Lickerish-Love, told BONEYARDTOYS.

The frenulum is a ridge of tissue that connects the foreskin to the penial shaft, and simply put, it's the penis's hot spot where even the lightest touch can elicit a grandly satisfying reaction. Beyer stressed that only a little vibration is needed to rev up the pleasure, and moving the vibrator gently to the balls is an extra sensational bonus.

When trying new things, it's always best to start with what you know. Although the head of a penis seems to be a straightforward area to test, it shouldn't be overlooked, according to Jenna Schreck, a cosmic sex wellness expert speaking on behalf of Lickerish-Love.


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